Ozone teaching model

Enter the requested information and press submit


Latitude Deg N
Longitude Deg E
Day of year
NB This information only changes the photolysis in the model. Temperature and water vapour are set below

Temperature K
Pressure hPa
Boundary layer height m
Water vapour %
Surface type

Initial conditions

O3 ppbv
CO ppbv
NO ppbv
NO2 ppbv
C2H6 ppbv
C3H8 ppbv
C3H6 ppbv
C4H10 ppbv
Isoprene ppbv


NO molecules cm-2 s-1
CO molecules cm-2 s-1
C2H6 molecules cm-2 s-1
C3H8 molecules cm-2 s-1
C3H6 molecules cm-2 s-1
C4H10 molecules cm-2 s-1
Isoprene molecules cm-2 s-1